1. Dataset
The format for
the input sample data file is very straightforward. The minimum contents of it
are two variables: date and the value of sample. The daily PM2.5
observed at US Embassy in the 423-day period from 10 May 2010 to 6 December 2011 is chosen as the sample data in
this case. The text input file format is illustrated in Fig. 1-1, which shows
the partial contents of the PM2.5 sample data in the csv file
PM25.csv. The reference data PM10.csv contains PM10 observation in
18 official stations, published daily by the Beijing Municipal Environmental
Protection Bureau (BJ-EPB) in the same time period with PM2.5
observation shared in Twitter. Fig. 1-2 shows some of the reference data.
Fig. 1-1 Table of sample data
Fig. 1-2 Table of reference data
2. Exercise
Step 1: The
input data format should be similar to the above corresponding data format.
Click to import sample data and reference data
respectively (see Fig. 2-1).
Fig. 2-1 SPA Model
Step 2: After
loading the required data, as in Fig. 2-2, click “Run” button to execute the
SPA model and save the result in CSV format. The computed result includes 6
variables: date, area estimation, model weight parameter w0, the standard deviation STDEV, one standard variance
interval CI1 and CI2, shown in Fig. 2-3.
Fig. 2-2 Load data
Fig. 2-3 Computed area estimation and
model parameters