Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
Professor Stewart Fotheringham ( Inventer of GWR )
2004--- SFI Research Professor and Director, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
1994-2004 Professor of Quantitative Geography, Department of Geography, Director of the North-East Regional Research Laboratory, University of Newcastle
1988-1994 Professor, Department of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Ph.D.(Geography) November, l980, McMaster University, Canada
MA (Geography) May, l978, McMaster University, Canada
B.Sc. (Geography) June, l976, Aberdeen University, Scotland
Research fields:
(1) The integration of spatial analysis and GIS
(2) Spatial statistics
(3) Exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial modelling
(4) Spatial Choice/Spatial Interaction Modelling;
(5) Spatial Cognition
(6) Health Geography, Urban and Regional Analysis
Time:2010.3.15(Tuesday) 16:00-18:00
Venue:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Conference Room: 2421
Poster: Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
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