Jin-Feng Wang a, Cheng-Sheng Jiang, Mao-Gui Hu et al. : Design-based spatial sampling: Theory and implementation.
Various sampling techniques are widely used in environmental, social and resource surveys. Spatialsampling techniques are more efficient than conventional sampling when surveying spatially distributed targets such as CO2 emissions, soil pollution, a population distribution, disaster distribution, and disease incidence, where spatial autocorrelation and heterogeneity are prevalent. However, despite decades of development in theory and practice, there are few computer programs for spatial sampling. We investigated the three-fold relationship between targets, sampling strategies and statistical methods in spatialcontexture. Accordingly, the nformation flow of the spatial sampling process was reconstructed and optimized. SSSampling, a computer program for design-based spatial sampling, has been developed from the theoretical basis. Three typical applications of the software, namely sampling design, optimal statistical inference and precision assessment, are demonstrated as case studies.
To cite this paper: Wang, J.-F., et al., Design-based spatial sampling: Theory and implementation, Environmental Modelling &Software (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.09.015